I lifting of old Tom, the container airport be at the lake east direction (!) from --- despite a completed and approved esta-form but admitted without a conscience, when immigration to the usa to. emblazoned on my ticket as it were a scarlet letter, in which even the ladies tried to switch the match in the old Rhine. clarified in the business lounge in Vienna, after landing on the matter, finally, I must thanks to a random selection, along with four other passengers by a special, more stringent security checks. How to make up close acquaintance with friendly sheep dogs that sniff place after bone after semtex and security officials on a key ring in the briefcase a mini-leatherman pocket knife confiscated and explore. Forget it, for the following flight leading from vienna washington dc then in glorious autumn weather clear exactly over Upper Austria, with regard to the 'old country' in Linz and over the Alps into the 'parental' Kremstal.
at Dulles airport just outside of washington dc wait finally a Toyota Camry from Hertz and a standardized room of the American hotel chain world - this time from hampton inn & suites - on me. for a passing the cardboard hotel is perfectly okay, but the shuffling of the spoils at breakfast and smacking the table next to chinese the appetite.
by a business meeting in West Chester summed up the following drive to a collection of states: Maryland, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania. one of the most complicated ways to the dulles airport after finally getting to Baltimore.
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