The last week had a harmonious conclusion. Previously had some hectic days. Let's start with the end of exception: was the annual "Potato Feast" as a meeting of the SPD local branches in the constituency despite the unfavorable date with the competing Turkey game a success. Already at the initial visit to the company Grimme nearly 80 participants were present, a sign of the interest in this Dammer flagship company for not only the works council chairman Uwe hammor was present, but Ms Christine Grimme even took over the presentation. And at the closing dinner in Hubertushof then all the tables were filled. Mayor Boris Pistorius from Osnabrück also spoke to his objective and a number of important points of criticism (eg, under-funding of local authorities) taken just talk the nerve of the many local politicians present. For all I still like to thank the organizing local associations, who have been together with Rainer Hüggelmeyer the brunt of the organization.
The aforementioned hectic days were those of the Debates in Parliament. Once again I have no chance to cover all the points, so even the unusual division in the categories of expected and unexpected. been expected
had by all, that the Prime Minister would try to explain his 100-day record as shiny, but that the opposition would look very different. could be expected with reason, that the Wolfsburg-affair would be discussed "hot and greasy," because she still bears for the CDU a potentially serious hazard. Not unexpectedly, the heated debate came to the departure of black and yellow from the nuclear phase. In all these points, see the Lower Saxony state government is not good. Also in the debate on the supplementary budget, there was clear contrast and a clear point winner in our financial expert Renate Geuter.
unexpectedly came in my view a minor detail, but the signal character, ie the first vote defeat of the government parties. She came in advising the disputed entries and was triggered by a lack of concentration at the parliamentary secretary of the CDU Group. This Mr. Nacke namely raised in a vote at the wrong hand, and almost all of his sheep followed him. Everything would not have been so bad if he had not tried it with all the available significant superiority to correct the mishap and to bring about a new vote. As it was then first right, and everyone scattered more strongly Salt in the wound: you must learn to lose, "called to him as Hannah Modder!. I say: It always begins!
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