"education summit" that was the exaggeration of the week! 90 minutes, half of which were already occupied with the speech of the Minister, as to there being an exchange with substance? Correspondingly thin, the result was the ascent to a summit base camp at best one!
At the center of the new magic word "college". New door sign, new happiness - or at least new promise of happiness. In reality not much more behind it than those already known, somewhat more flexible primary and junior high school, pimped by improved all-day, and decreased in comparison to the high school class size. It tends more to the total PCP version of the comprehensive school, but it solves the problem of small school sites (in three parallel classes) is not recognizable. When four or more parallel classes for each year it is either in competition with high schools or comprehensive school. So more new questions than answers!
What is sadder still, it lacked any educational approach in the argument! Fall in was the new Minister of Education with the aim to get away from the ideological structure of the school debate. And the SPD parliamentary group said: We are ready. For us, the goal of "good school" in the center, and what do we have explained in detail (latest version: http://www.spd-landtag-nds.de/web/content.jsp?nodeId=12124&lang = en). We see ourselves in accordance with the State Parents, organizations and many school boards. But instead of really bury the trenches and to allow secondary schools to the elementary school the same development conditions, to the Minister of ideologues of the new separation of harassment, that is, as the unequal treatment of high school and IGS) can dictate to the block.
are all still very vague announcements, it is even tentative signals of the steering. Should it succeed, for example, really bring the Fünfzügigkeit in the establishment of new integrated comprehensive schools on a case, it would be a great success of the protest movement and the opposition parties. I still do not believe it, but sometimes even be signs and wonders.
In the discussions to amend the Education Act of Lower Saxony on the last Friday of the worship committee if there were any positive signs. It was evident, the desire to continuing together what has been brought in SPD-time as a pilot for greater autonomy of vocational schools on the road. No talk of a summit that tough bargaining for details, balance of interests, where was always possible. The headline was not pregnant, but then the work of people's representatives and representatives also work. I report on the details, if the advice is made in the plenary and everything in dry bags.
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