06-2011 Side Note: Tough rings!
looked world politics in the last week everything to Egypt - mark really right, because the events there a turning point. In Germany, the negotiations dragged on the adjustment of the Hartz-IV-rule sets and the necessary additions to the greatest attention followed up, by one or another view of the upcoming state elections in Hamburg. In the Lower Saxony State politics but courted various topics almost equal to the attention of the politically interested.
There's even the news that the new building of the plenary chamber stand before the off. I myself can not really regret it, because I voted for the conversion option. But a long further delay (eg, up to the state election) is no solution, because the fact that a fundamental restructuring is required is now really for years all agreed.
regard to the contracts of all-day schools, which have been the subject of prosecutorial investigations in the Ministry, it has given several briefings on the Committee by the Minister himself. We should have come from a Gnat make no elephants, he has toned in January Plenary. We are dealing with a long elephant. And he will be tamed by no way all-day schools will be fobbed off with low-cost solutions.
also remain the consultations for the high school tough and difficult. They lasted so long on the last Friday that, for a continuation of the meeting was no longer a majority. The concerns of almost all organizations, opposition political groups and now the parliament lawyers can be just not so easy to brush aside. Already this week will be further discussed. Whether still something moves from the government factions? I am skeptical.
The other topics in the plenary session like his usual varied, from a draft law amending the Green MEPs law on animal protection issues for Minister Lindemann to the development of child day care centers, family. For voltage is provided, for some disappointment too, so I know how the majority. was
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