once I start with the conclusion that the policy statements of my week: The SPD in the district of Osnabrück their District candidates elected. And she sent him in a delegate conference in Voxtrup with a real cracker of outcome in the race. 100 of 100 votes cast Frank Stiller has received. We call support. We call it unity. As to the other first go all out!
was similarly balanced lists the establishment of the district councils for the 10 electoral districts. With all the discontent that there are always individuals, because after all is to forgive in each district only the first list position, but there was always a struggle and no broad consensus candidate.
So it was a quiet evening for us in the Bureau. And for me, even downright pleasant compared to the previous week, the February plenary session in Hannover. For three days I lay flat with the flu. At least I was on Wednesday once again receptive enough to make me one or the other discussion on NDR Live Stream view. An insightful look "outside"! The "topical" on "rehabilitation instead of demolition" was particularly entertaining. The disadvantage of these debates, however, remains a matter of principle, that they come to no result, because in a current session, there is no final vote. However, it is similar with many resolutions, which unfortunately does not cause much, either for underground cabling of high voltage lines or to the development of child day care centers to family.
is violently then it still sometimes. On the topic of "search for alternative disposal sites," the coalition has been known for some time not to help other than strong auszukeilen. New was the same Violence at an SPD proposal, which otherwise finds strong support: "No special rights for tax evaders - abolish impunity through self-disclosure." Even this proposal was rejected.
As of Thursday I was back to the process itself had to speak to an equally unproductive motion of the CDU and FDP on the transition from school to work and followed above all the debate about the preservation of streets avenues in Lower Saxony with interest. The Wiard of Siebel and I tabled question on this subject was then answered on Friday, I send the results to interested parties.
Also on Friday was a plethora of social issues on the agenda, the prevention against suicide in old age, for example, close to an action plan to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and an application of the left, closed the home for children in criminal reward. Controversy on any subject, even the skills shortage in nursing.
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