Who still wants to eat in peace like something, heard of dioxin in feed soon no more. In addition, the press has reported extensively on this in the Diet. Therefore I leave it for a few remarks:
The Prime Minister has weggeduckt in this case and sent instead a just sworn Minister after 5 minutes in a government statement, which of course not much new could bring.
Whether the "new" the situation really gets a grip to be seen.
The position of the SPD is set out in detail in a resolution which inter alia provides for significantly increased state controls.
The literary treatment of the case, please can extract the dime novel "Saubermacher Dr. Mann Lotte - The man trusted by the sows," published by the SPD parliamentary group.

I is due to highlight two issues that have come in the reporting of short and long-term deal yet very be:
first An SPD application was overwritten "Free movement of workers from 1 May 2011 for the EU accession countries - without a minimum wage threatens wage dumping "The situation here is dramatically when on 1 May, the seven-year transition period expires on labor movement, can under existing country-of Eastern European workers in Germany legally adopted in their home countries.. applicable collective agreements are paid. This threatens to undercut a ruinous expense of the German workforce. dumping wages would follow. The SPD Group therefore calls for the collective agreement of the state in particularly affected by dumping salaries temporary agencies generally binding to leave. And it calls for an initiative to introduce a statutory minimum wage. The debate was clear: the ideological brakeman sat mainly on the benches of the FDP.
second In connection with the well of the federal party pushed very hard in care campaign is a proposal "Good care for all - save valuable care - strengthen nursing education." Besides analyzing the situation in Lower Saxony three demands are the focus, namely, a levy funding of education, free education for all nursing students and students and the withdrawal of cuts in state funds for short-term care to 6 million euros.
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