Side Note: In seconds to
are I hope you all had a happy new year. For me this is so, and comes `s and it started again from zero to one hundred, so to speak.
From zero to one hundred, it was the start to the year 2011, going on with the challenges facing the country's politics. It was to act responsibly with the scandal first class deal with by the contamination of animal feed dioxin. Hundreds of pace, however, was reached with the state government is not nearly long time, the NRW Minister of Consumer Protection could not reach anyone for days. I hope that the ministries are now better placed perhaps even above the executor tempo. It has been a problem, that of all Environment Minister Sander support the Agriculture Ministry had to after Ms Grothe had been adopted without praise. Given the dimension that has been adopted by the scandal and the Secretary of State evidently overwhelmed Ripken would have actually called it "David, you take over!", At least until the designated Minister is in office.
From zero to one hundred in any case we form the parliamentary group leaders have started the year, with a labor-intensive retreat in Melle. The themes were year program, Forward Planning, inquiries, development of their own proposals for consultation to teachers and precarious working conditions in schools, separate application with a possible bill to school consensus. After the introduction of the proposals of the CDU and FDP in the cult Committee on 16 December are the chances become small, but we will in any case make clear that we are not the obstructionists.
The first event with interested inquiries I had the same on Friday with representatives of the KAB in the dioceses of Osnabrück and Hildesheim, who held a meeting on "Poverty and Education". Further discussions on the party level are scheduled or planned. Report on the working group members are also in the blog
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