Hi everyone,
finally starts the processing of this year Weihnachts-/Silvesterurlaubs. It just takes forever to get used sometimes by rummaging through the pile of photos added. But now at full speed, or rather full Rooää!
25/12 came anyway rübergebraust Martin of Charlotte. (Thus, there were times 3 Arnold Böcklin industrial engineers from Dresden in Atlanta, who would have the thought!) First we have befitting gefuttert chicken breast with red cabbage and potatoes and then put anheiternde spirits to us, to drive out the bad weather, hehe. In the evening Hooters was the only restaurant open our home port. Otherwise, we would obviously never went to those who honor!
was completely wide, but full of good cheer then on 26.12 Departure to FLORIDA! (Who now would like to hear the right music for the entry, click on this link: Rock'n'Roll )
full pelt was preceded in Martin's Mazda, the first 10 miles, and then we were stuck in traffic. LOL. As we are only 9 am so we ride had, we spent our life with Rumlfuchen eating Beef Jerky angry which is not the MP3-playing radio's dull and staring straight ahead. In retrospect one can say that we stand still, after 3 h stop and go traffic was liquid again and with every mile towards Florida we were able to escape the gray monotony in Atlanta. Alongside the way, were some interesting figures on the Interstate to admire. The coronation was the Scooby-Doo as a Riesentöle that was so large that it had always look out the skylight. This is mal ne greyhound, haha!

Well, all the seats in the immediate vicinity were also only RV campgrounds and as we get the TomTom also several times had performed well in botany, we gave up and stayed unnerved encouraging parking near the interstate. Must look done, said the next time I would prefer the plum tree branch ne would prefer ;-).
Have a good one, Mike
(yeah, Americans are too lazy to say to Michael, so I will be here officially shortened to Mike, at my locker, in emails, ... )
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