28.12.08 - California Sun Let's go, further and further south!
Now I was the second time at the southernmost point of the United States, in Key West. And it has paid off again, just awesome down there. And who are now asking why I then just "California Sun" is selected as the title of the article, which can be said that the same song by the Ramones just rips and absolutely suitable for Key West. So now listen
and sympathize.
any case, we have once again placed at the Smathers Beach, put the cooler next to it and just times unwind. Pleasant it was empty too, was just after noon, filled the beach then good. Towards the afternoon we walked through the busy streets of Key West, Duval St.. The goal was the Sunset Pier, where there is every night (!) Of the sunset celebration. Was a good thing, ne small band played, everyone was in great form, there were cocktails and sandwiches and as the sun went down some applauded. It must be! The millions of sunset pictures I'll erspar times, more interesting were the vorbeiflitzenden speedboats. Right on Mallory Square next door, the pier for cruise ships, you could experience first hand the Christmas spirit among palm trees. Rips, so decorated palm trees, would times you try instead of a Christmas tree ... For daily closing we went to a cocktail bar that was plastered all over with one-dollar bills. It was played samaoanische live music and refreshing cocktails are served ...
;-) Oh yeah, and if you ever want to see souped-up Oldsmobile in perfect surroundings, Key West is very much in favor:
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