Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Webcam Wedding Invite Wording

25/11/2008 - Snip, snap, the hair must be off!

So, now there are times

real news. Yesterday I was in the clip can haircuttery and never imagined the bristles, and true! This was necessary because I looked after every bike ride like ne crash test dummy from the wind tunnel. Anyway, I had the aerodynamic experiments with my head and I am tired of planting has long opted for the radical section. Yesterday I then also some quick photos TO:
And that has not anything on the digital prints of my own concerns, is now geherbstet also a picture like it up here recently.

-edit: damn these lousy bums of blogpost.com not appear to allow me to insert more than two large images! Now you have to stop but only with my autumnal live with me are, so to speak, the leaves fall from the head ...

ha, da isses yet:


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