Hi, yes America is today
further holiday, so I thought I'd get ne bissel time what to write. Anyway, we were yesterday to the adoption of a Malaysian Internal evening went into a typical American eating stall. Say you pay admission and eats the buffet empty until the seams burst. The ride there and back I'm here in the Mustang back down from a buddy, fat thing: fill

On the way back we had then and there indeed increased a first breath. What will take up this Schluckspecht well in his throat? Well, $ 23 full tank! Haha, as does the gasoline waste still fun. Which currently costs $ 1.35 gallons of gasoline, are therefore the equivalent of 0,27 € per liter!
going tonight then wsl. again with the Mustang and other Malaysian people to an outlet, 40 mile outside of Atlanta. The reason:
Tomorrow is Black Friday! On the Friday after Thanksgiving starts the holiday shopping season and there are massive discounts on everything! Since electronic transactions are particularly besieged and stormed right after the opening. And well, the outlet makes to 0:00, and the Malaysians are probably went there every year and want to take me this time. Gaze mer something that will. Otherwise, even amazon.com Specials. So who wants to have small electronic items, the report must be fast for me. My address is indeed on my blog, because the foreign ship shall not enjoy the discounts.
Last night was also ne bissel home chillen popular with the guys, and what could be seen alongside NEM Germany Jersey: a real AK 47, of Hungarian origin, with East German bayonet. And work she does yet, this Ammis astray, but to me, of course, a Rambo ape:

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