When Burgmann hard in Quakenbrück the Friedrich-Ebert-attended exhibition was excellent. For that alone it was worth it, they get to mark the anniversary of the city in our city. With its own evening talk on local history, we will raise it again in the consciousness of the population.
I also take time only marginal note of Ms Grothe and the city works scandal in Wolfsburg. There are lots of people ask if there anything odd things, and they do not get sufficient answers.
me is the persistent work on issues more. And in the past week was the change in the law school and vocational schools at the center of the standing issue. All are in principle more personal responsibility for the schools to enable them to develop into "regional centers of excellence". But the hearing on the bill on Thursday showed that too many elements of the proven school models, the bill is not sufficiently clear how they are to be implemented in the future. The keywords are of Administration (unklar!), common budget (unklar!) changed composition of the school board (umstritten!). There is still much to do!
is much to do it even when it comes to school development. The petition for good schools had invited to the panel discussion to Osnabrück, Galas Dieter (for the referendum) and I could act as persistent questioner and assailant know for here is not the government parties, what they want. But we have disclosed everything, for example, all materials on my home easily www.cppoppe.de in "good school" to be found.
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