now here again a few impressions come from the weekend with the couch surfers. The journey is not quite in style, not a lowrider (and again, the reference to the title given And with music reads's so much nicer. So now open with right click and consume relaxes the review ... link for the song ). Our vehicle was in any case once again a Mustang, one can accept just for NEN Road Trip ;-). A first stop at the gas station was immediately used to purchase plenty of sweetener, the offer is at any rate comparable with that of beer in German ;-) refueling.

first bebügelt diligently T-shirts with the logo of the trip and everyone got a name tattoo. Thus, all important matters had been resolved. On Saturday, the visit was to the junk items but I have not written about before. In the afternoon there was already losgebechert diligently, one or the other hats like it was blown away, hehe. The house was called the way Lodge is so ne way huge multi-family house for 25 people. In the evening we went to the obligatory barbecue gebrettert still in the nearest city, and have tried to make party. In the experiment, it is still, Country is nich my thing ... Otherwise all sorts of party pics and accompanying photos are shown here ( link to other photos ).
on the returns were then again Proll American cars and up to the immense, glittering cave to admire gestalteet. All see gabs in Garden City Rocks. The ne is the kind of adventure park is passable in 15 minutes, by itself really beautiful landscape of sandstone canyons. However, total mess out by all the roads are paved, from all corners of Christmas music is pumping and then to crown the top kitschy cave with nothing but fairy tales. (Had Oh, and extra-ne se climbing wall there too, not that the sandstone formations are best for climbing would be, no, you have extra hinballern so ne art wall.)
In this sense, Prost and beautiful Christmas ...

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